Cube Toolbar
It contains the following control elements:
Fields: show/hide the list of the data set fields.
Detailing: show/hide detailing.
Detailing method: switch the detailing display options:
Chart: show/hide chart.
Collapse: collapse the cube dimensions hierarchy:
- Collapse all.
- Collapse columns.
- Collapse rows.
Expand: expand the cube dimensions hierarchy:
- Expand all.
- Expand columns.
- Expand rows.
Show totals: show/hide final headers:
In columns.
In rows.
No totals.
Column width adjustment:
Equal measure width.
Equal column width.
Transpose: move dimensions from rows to columns and vice versa.
Configure measures…: open settings of measures window.
Add calculated measure…: open the window to add the new calculated measure to 1 cube.
Filter measures…: open the window to filter measures.
Formatting…: open the window for formatting of measures and headers of dimensions.
XLS: export to file:
- export to XLS (html): save the current view in the Excel format.
- export to HTML: save the current view in the HTML format.
Defer layout update: disable update of headers and data.
1. earlier added calculated measure can be edited or deleted in Settings of measures window. ↩
The specified operations are also available via the context menu that can be called by clicking on any Construction area place with the right mouse button. Apart from the Toolbar buttons, there is Hide single measure option in the context menu. It enables to hide headers of measures if the only measure is active.