ODBC Connection
It is used for connection to one of the ODBC data sources.
Connection Parameters
The following parameters are set during the connection setup:
- Caption contains the connection name set by a user.
- Connection string: it is required to specify the connection string in the format set in the ODBC driver system, or it is possible to select one of the ODBC data sources configured in the system. List of the sources is called by clicking on
button. The available ODBC data sources are listed. The sources are configured in ODBC Windows data sources administrator. It also contains information on the drivers installed in the system, and it is possible to define the connection string format.
- Test: test of the specified connection settings.
- Username: login of the DB user.
- Password: password of the DB user.
- Show system tables: when selecting this checkbox in the import wizard that uses this connection, the system DB tables available to a user become visible (it is required to select when connecting to the Excel file).
- Quote names: if the database objects names (for example, names of tables, fields) contain spaces or reserved characters, it is required to use framing characters fixing the name start and end.
- Configure quotes represents the information field that enables to define which framing characters are used for connection to this DB. The framing quotes characters are automatically defined for ODBC.
- Do not use DBMS client: this option is not used for the ODBC connections.
- Clear pool when deactivated enables to clear the pool of the Megaladata Integrator packages frequently used in the batch processing saved for the quick call upon the node deactivation. This parameter is disabled by default.
- Comment: it is possible to provide any reference connection data in this form.
Note: To provide connection, it is required to install the ODBC driver with the same bitness as the Megaladata application/server bitness. Two ODBC data sources administrators are used in 64 bit OS - 32 bit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and 64 bit C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe.
List of the ODBC drivers preinstalled in Windows OS:
32 bit:
- SQL Server
- Microsoft ODBC for Oracle
- Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
- Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)
- Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)
- Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )
- Microsoft Text Driver (.txt; .csv)
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
64 bit:
- SQL Server
List of the ODBC drivers for which it is recommended to use the connection string:
- Different drivers for SQL Server
- Microsoft Text Driver
- Firebird/InterBase® driver
- Microsoft Excel Driver
- Microsoft Access Driver
- Microsoft dBASE Driver
- Drivers for Oracle
- SQLite3 ODBC Driver
- Drivers for MySQL
- Microsoft Paradox Driver
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
- Drivers for PostgreSQL
- Drivers for Sybase/Adaptive Server Enterprise
If the driver is not listed, it is possible to set up a connection to it only by selecting already configured data source.
See also: