The main operations with Packages are listed on this page.
This page can be opened in two ways:
- using the
Packages button in Address bar;
- using the Navigation panel, selecting the
Packages section.
New enables to open a window to set a path and name of the new Package, it also enables to open this empty Package after saving. The following buttons enable to perform the following operations
New Draft enables to create a temporary Package without current saving.
Open enables to open the selection window of the existing Package.
Save enables to save the selected Package. The following buttons enable to perform the following operations
Save as enables to save the selected Package under a new name, and/or using another available path.
Save all is similar to Save button for all opened Packages.
Publish1 enables to open a window for the Package publication.
Properties enables to open the properties configuration window of the selected Package.
Close enables to close the selected Package.
Close all enables to close all opened Packages.
1. It is available only for the editions with possibility to publish Web Services. ↩
When closing the Package with unsaved changes, you will be requested to save it with the following variants:
- Yes will save and close this Package.
- No will cancel changes (the Package will be closed without saving!).
- Cancel will stop closing of the Package or further closing of still not closed Packages.
Opened Packages are listed in the table:
- Name: name of the Package. It complies with the file name without extension set to the correct identifier.
- Path: the path to the opened Package. The path is specified from the root directory in the server edition. The absolute path is specified for the Desktop version. More detailed information is provided in the file storage.
- Version: version of the opened Package. It is configured in its Properties.
- Published shows whether the Package was published.
It is possible to sort the list for these fields in ascending order , in descending order
, or to cancel sorting.
The context menu called by the right mouse button click, for the most part, enables to repeat the set listed above:
- For the opened Packages:
Save package
Save package as…
Edit properties…
Show in folder enables to open the folder containing the selected Package and takes focus on it.
Close package…
Close other packages… enables to close all Packages, with the exception of the selected one.
- For the free zone:
New package…
New draft
Save all packages
Close all packages…
- General:
Refresh enables to refresh a list.
Hotkeys are available for some commands:
- F2 — edit properties;
- Ctrl+O — open the Package;
- Ctrl+S — save the Package;
- Ctrl+Shift+S — save all Packages;
- Alt+P — publishing.
Package Properties
It enables to set the following parameters of the Package:
- Name — the Package name is specified. Editing is possible only for the Draft. It will be set to the file name and correct identifier after saving.
- Version enables to specify the Package version. Version
is used by default. Use relative paths of the base package must be enabled in the Package with base node, if this node has relative paths to files, or it is assumed to use paths in base nodes relative to this Package. This option is disabled by default.