Access to the Input Data Sets

For access to the data of Input data source[N] ports, InputTables[] and InputTable objects are used. The port data source is accessed by its number:

InputTables[N] where N is a port number (index). The first port has 0 index.

As the first port is in the JavaScript node by default, there is a separate InputTable object to provide access to its data.

Data Source Properties



It contains read-only collection of columns. It returns the object implementing the IColumns interface (refer to Full API Description).



It contains read-only count of columns. It returns the value of the number type.



It contains read-only count of rows. It returns the value of the number type.

Data Source Methods


Get(row, col)

  • row: row index. It takes the value of the number type.
  • col: column index or name. It takes the value of the number or string types.

The method returns the value of the set column in the set string. The returned value can have the following types: boolean, number, string, Date, undefined.


IsNull(row, col)

  • row: row index. It takes the value of the number type.
  • col: column index or name. It takes the value of the number or string type.

The method returns the boolean true value if the column in the set string has the null value. Otherwise, the false value returns.


import { InputTable, InputTables } from "builtIn/Data";

let inputTable0 = InputTables[0],              // Source of the data from port No 1
    inputTable1 = InputTables[1];              // Source of the data from port No 2
let colOutlook0 = inputTable0.Columns.OUTLOOK, // Getting reference to the column by name
    colOutlook1 = inputTable1.Columns[1];      // Getting reference to the column by index

// Getting the columns array from the Columns object
let arrayOfColumns = Array.from(InputTable.Columns);
// Outputting the values of the columns properties to the console
arrayOfColumns.forEach(column => {
    console.log("Index: ", column.Index);
    console.log("Name: ", column.Name);
    console.log("DisplayName: ", column.DisplayName);
    console.log("DataType: ", column.DataType);
    console.log("DataKind: ", column.DataKind);
    console.log("DefaultUsageType: ", column.DefaultUsageType);
    console.log("RowCount: ", column.RowCount);

// Getting the values array from the "CLASS" column
let arrayOfColumnValues = Array.from(InputTable.Columns["CLASS"]);
// Outputting the values of the "CLASS" column
arrayOfColumnValues.forEach((value, index) => {
    console.log(index, ":", value);

// Reading the values from the input table using the Get method
for (let i = 0, с = InputTable.RowCount; i < с; i++) {
    // Outputting the values of the column with 0 index
    console.log(`InputTable.Get(${i}, 0) = `, InputTable.Get(i, 0));
    // Outputting the values of the column with the "CLASS" name
    console.log(`InputTable.Get(${i}, "CLASS") = `, InputTable.Get(i, "CLASS"));

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