Cluster Comparison Panel Cluster Comparison Panel

It contains the comparative information on the clusters selected in the Main table. Color coding and order of clusters matches the colors and selection order of cells in the Main table.

Cluster Comparison Panel.
Figure 1. Cluster Comparison Panel.

The cluster comparison panel can be conventionally divided into two areas (refer to Figure 1):

  1. Upper panel part contains the comparative cluster histogram. The cluster histograms and universal set are combined in one area. The upper panel part contains the only histogram setting added to the general histogram settings on the Toolbar:
    • Cumulative histogram Cumulative histogram displays one composite column divided into color areas matching the clusters.
  2. Lower panel part contains the summary table of the values of Indicators by the selected clusters in the Main table.

Note: If the Cumulative histogram mode is enabled and at the same time Total cluster cell is selected, the corresponding data will not be added to the cumulative histogram (as it matches the universal set).


Note: The Cumulative histogram mode can be enabled when the histograms refer to the Absolute frequencies or Relative frequencies formats. The option is disabled and is not available in Density (PDF) format.

There are two types of histograms:

  • Сontinuous histogram means the solid fill under the continuous smooth curve, and it matches the same one in the table cell.
  • Discrete histogram is a table with the following columns:
    • : the unique value number.
    • Caption: the unique value caption.
    • Rate: the column with the horizontal histogram columns.
    • Total: the column with the number of values in the histogram columns of the universal set. It is displayed when Show universal set in histograms option in the Toolbar is enabled.
    • Class caption: columns with the number of values in the cluster histograms columns.

Note: It is possible to sort all columns, with the exception of Rate column.

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