Address Bar

Address bar is a breadcrumb trail of objects (refer to Figure 1). To move to the objects located higher as far as the nesting level is concerned, it is required to press corresponding object in the trail.

Address bar.
Figure 1. Address bar.

Navigation elements:

  • Go up Go up: transition to the upper level object.
  • Go back Go back enables to return to the previous opened object.
  • Go forward Go forward enables to cancel Go back transition if no other navigation operations have been performed afterwards.
  • Hidden: navigation through the objects for which there's no enough place in Address bar. The button is visible only if all objects do not have enough place in Address bar.

Pressing List of subobjects button, it is possible to go to the subobjects of the complex object (refer to Figure 2).

Select complex object
Figure 2. Select complex object

If required, it is possible to enter the path manually. In order to do that, it is required to press address bar and enter the new/corrected path. For example:

\Packages\Scoring\Score calculation\Workflow

Reference to Object

The multiuser edition enables to receive hyperlink to the current opened object. Pressing Share Share…, it is possible to open a window with one or two paths:

  • Absolute (for joint usage) includes a name of the folder from which a file was downloaded. It is available for different packages.
  • Relative (for personal usage) contains a point instead of the folder name. It is available only for user packages.

The selected path can be quickly copied using Copy button. Subsequently, it can be used in the browser address bar for quick transition to the opened object.

Note: When following this link, it is required to enter corresponding login and password (if any).

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