User Roles

The data analysis process can be divided into 2 stages, namely, development of the analytical models and view of ready reports.

Development of the analytical models is a specific task. It is required to understand the analysis methods and peculiarities of business operations. As a rule, a limited number of experienced analysts hold responsibility for this task in companies.

Many employees from different subdivisions must view reports: top managers, heads of departments, specialists of different departments, etc. They must be provided with access to the required results without necessity of thorough understanding of the development process.

For this purpose, it is possible to assign each user his own role.

The user with "Workflows design" role is provided with access to all analytical capabilities of Megaladata. He can develop the processing logics, create web services, implement and share his own components, connect to the external sources, etc.

The user with "View reports" role is provided with access only to the node with configured reports. He can handle the reports: change their kind, group data, configure filters, change types of graphic charts. However, the calculation logics is hidden from him.

The users-analysts place the required visualizers to the "Reports panel" where both separate preconfigured visualizers and folders with whole groups of visualizers can be placed. Consequently, the users with "View reports" role are provided with access to one node where all preconfigured project reports are kept that makes the system navigation more accessible and quicker.

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