Normalization of Continuous Data
Let us assume that it is required to cast values to [a, b] range. The following formula is used for this purpose:
where is a current value, , are minimum and maximum field values. This is how the linear normalizer is used.
The following data normalization options are available in Megaladata:
- No: there is no normalization. In this case, the data is sent to the main algorithm without preprocessing.
- Scaling [min; max]: the data reduction to [min; max] range set by a user by means of the linear transformation:
- Minimum: the minimum value.
- Maximum: the maximum value.
- Scaling [-1;1]: the data reduction to [-1;1] range by means of the linear transformation.
- Scaling [0;1]: the data reduction to [0;1] range by means of the linear transformation.
- Absolute scaling: each value is divided by the maximum absolute value.
- Standardization: the average value is subtracted from each value, and then it is divided by the standard deviation.
- Quotient: each value is divided by the statistical indicator or the value set by a user.
- Divisor:
- Statistical indicator (Minimum, Maximum, Average, Sum, Standard deviation).
- Set value.
- Divisor:
Range Control
Control of values range does not let the value go out of the specified range saved while training when executing the node.
- Control method:
- No: there is no control method.
- Error: if the value that goes out of the given range is detected, the following error occurs when the node is started: Normalizing value exceeds the values range maximum.
- Winsorization: if the value that goes out of the given range is detected, it is reduced to the maximum/minimum value.
- Manual setting: when this checkbox is selected, it becomes possible to select the range of values.
- Source Range: the values of the input field minimum and maximum. It is set when retraining the node.
- Minimum.
- Maximum.
- Controlled Range: the manual setting of values range.
- Minimum.
- Maximum.