MGD Files

Megaladata Data File (MGD file) is the own format of the data file elaborated specially for usage with Megaladata.

Such format provides the highest data import and/or export speed. Minimum number of transformations is required to get or record data. In this case, data exchange speed is limited only by the speed of the disk subsystem operation and it depends on the data volume much less as compared with other formats that can be used.

The MGD file already contains all required information on the field features (field name, caption, data type, etc.) that enables to export and import data sets with minimum settings.

It is possible to decrease the file size when importing/exporting. The following compression algorithms are available for this purpose:

  • LZO;
  • LZ4.

It is recommended to use this format for storage of intermediate calculations and speed increase.

The MGD file is also available in the Community edition.

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