General Settings
Configuration Window
- Header: chart name.
- Decimation type
- Color scheme
- Standard.
- Dark blue.
- Dark green.
- Dark.
- Grey.
- Table.
- Light table.
- Sand.
- Background color: the white color (FFFFFFFF) is set by default. However, it is possible to change the color using the following tools for this purpose.
- Color palette: the required color is selected using the mouse. Palette types.
- Spectrum.
- Elegant.
- Composite.
- Set the color via RGB code.
- Set the color via Hex code.
- Parameter A: intensity of the selected color is set (from the dark to the light one).
button: return the default color.
- Stacking type
- Type of captions and Type of tooltips
- No: captions are not displayed.
- Value: the value displayed by the chart element is represented.
- Percent: percentage of this element to the final result is displayed.
- Caption: the tooltips necessary to understand the meaning of this or that element are displayed.
- Caption, percent: both captions, and percents are displayed at the same time.
- Caption, value: both captions, and values are displayed at the same time.
- Percent, total: both percentage of the element to the final result, and the result as such are displayed at the same time.
- Caption, percent, total: caption, percentage and total are displayed at the same time.
- X value: the column coordinate along the X axis is displayed.
- Combine tooltips enables to combine the pop-up tooltips of all series (when hovering cursor over the series) if they have been separately configured for each series.
- Legend: position configuration relative to the chart.
Top left.
Top right.
Bottom left.
Bottom right.
- Rotate 90°: rotate the chart 90°.
- Rationing: set the same scale for all charts.
- Navigator: detail any chart section along the X axis (it is displayed under the axis). Moving the navigator edge, it is possible to select the required chart area.
- Group columns: this parameter is required for column charts and it enables to locate the columns near each other. When the checkbox is inactive, the columns are overlapped. The checkbox is active by default.
- Animation: data update is smoothly displayed. When the checkbox is active.
- Delay (ms): the time required to update data (animation time).