Substitution of the Values not Included into the Replacement Table

Replace other parameter is required for processing of the values that are not included into the Replacement table and that are out of the allowable interval. Four configuration options parameter:

  • Do not replace.
  • With empty.
  • With value.
  • With regular expression.

And the row for input of the new value of the records not included into the Replacement table.

When Do not replace option is selected, the values not included into the Replacement table are not subject to the additional processing.

With Empty

When With empty option is selected, all values not included into the Replacement table will be replaced with the null value <null>.

Let's consider the first example of replacement by exact match:

Result of the performed replacement

Source data value New value
12 Poor
15 15
24 Satisfactory
35 35
48 Excellent
73 73

When With empty option is selected, this table would be as follows:

Source data value New value
12 Poor
15 <null>
24 Satisfactory
35 <null>
48 Excellent
73 <null>

With Value

With value option replaces all values outside the Replacement table with the value entered into the row.

Let's consider the second example from replacement by exact match:

Result of the performed replacement

Source data value New value
12 Poor
15 Poor
24 Satisfactory
35 Good
48 Excellent
73 73

Having selected With value option and having entered into Out of estimation range row, the following result will be recieved:

Source data value New value
12 Poor
15 Poor
24 Satisfactory
35 Good
48 Excellent
73 Out of estimation range

With Regular Expression

If With regular expression option of Replace other parameter is selected, reserved $1 character is used for the values not detected using the replacement table. $1 characters will be replaced with the source value in the row that enables to set the new value.

Let's consider the example from replacement by regular expression:

Source dataReplacement TableReplace other:
With regular expression
Replacement result
Bank BICReplaceValueReplace bank BIC
40147О00\DWrong BICBIC $1 is specified in payment orderWrong BIC
40147781BIC 40147781 is specified in payment order
40155000BIC 40155000 is specified in payment order
4017З001Wrong BIC

results matching ""

    No results matching ""