Resulting Data Set Structure

The resulting data set consists of the source data set columns and the columns calculated by the handler. They are described in the table:

Column name Description
Bins identifier Field name
Bin number Index bin number
Caption Bin caption that is set by the wizard template
Lower bound Lower bin bound
Upper bound Upper bin bound
Lower bin bound inclusive false: the bin bound is not included into the bin;
true: the bin bound is included into the bin.
Upper bin bound inclusive false: the bin bound is not included into the bin;
true: the bin bound is included into the bin.
Lower bin bound open true: if «Lower bin bound open» checkbox is selected;
false: if «Lower bin bound open» checkbox is not selected.
Upper bin bound open true: if «Upper bin bound open» checkbox is selected;
false: if «Upper bin bound open» checkbox is not selected.
Out of bin value The values that are not included into bins:
-1 – the value that is less than the least bin bound;
0 – the value that is included into one of the bins;
1 – the value that exceeds the upper bin bound.

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