Logical |
The data can take only two values: True or False. |
Date/time |
The field contains the date and time data. Several date/time formats are supported, including the international standards formats. Minimum date value - 30.12.1899 00:00:00, maximum - 31.12.9999 23:59:59.999 (accuracy: 1 ms). |
Real |
The field data represents floating point numbers meeting IEEE 754-2008 standard. It is possible to record the numbers in the computer representation of the exponential form. |
Integer |
The data represents integers in the range from -263 to 263-1 |
String |
The field which values are represented by the random sequence of characters (string). The maximum string length constitutes 2,147,483,647 characters. |
Variable |
All data types listed above can be included into the column. Each cell keeps the value and data type. |