Access to the Output Data Set

For access to the output port data, the OutputTable object is used.

OutputTable Properties



It contains read-only collection of columns of the output data set. It returns the object implementing the IColumns interface (refer to Full API Description).



It contains read-only count of columns of the output data set. It returns the value of the number type.



It contains read-only count of rows of the output data set. It returns the value of the number type.

OutputTable Methods


Get(row, col)

  • row: row index. It takes the value of the number type.
  • col: column index or name. It takes the value of the number or string types.

The method returns the value of the set column in the set string. The returned value can have the following types: boolean, number, string, Date, undefined.


IsNull(row, col)

  • row: row index. It takes the value of the number type.
  • col: column index or name. It takes the value of the number or string types.

The method returns the boolean true value if the column in the set string has the null value. Otherwise, the false value returns.



The method enables to append the new row to the output data set. It does not have arguments.


Set(col, value)

  • col: column index or name. It takes the value of the number or string types.
  • value — value. It takes the values of the following types: boolean, number, string, Date, null, undefined.

The method enables to set the value of the set column in the string appended by the Append() method.


import { OutputTable } from "builtIn/Data";

// Append string to the output data set
// The true value is recorded in the field with "COL0" name
OutputTable.Set("COL0", true);
// The current Date/Time are recorded in the field with index 1
OutputTable.Set(1, new Date());

// Checking that the value in column No 2 is not defined
console.assert(OutputTable.IsNull(0, 2));
console.assert(typeof OutputTable.Get(0, 2) == "undefined");

// Copying the values of the first string to the second one
for (let i = 0, c = OutputTable.ColumnCount; i < c; i++) {
    let value = OutputTable.Get(0, i);
    OutputTable.Set(i, value);

console.log("RowCount = ", OutputTable.RowCount);
// Outputting: RowCount =  2

results matching ""

    No results matching ""