Compare Editions

To select Megaladata editions, it is required to define the platform use options. There is no difference between the editions as far as available processing algorythms or visualization methods are concerned. Their differences are connected with use cases and integration into the corporate IT environment.

The key questions that stipulate edition selection:

  • Is team work required?
  • How many users will work with the platform?
  • How volume of data processed?
  • What are the performance requirements?
  • Is automatic workflow start required?
  • Is it required to publish web services?
  • How is it required to integrate analytics with the company IT systems?
  • Is it required to build fault tolerance and scalable architecture?
  • What operating system must be supported by the platform?


Desktop edition. It is used to train analysts and students how to work with the Megaladata platform. It is not available for commercial use. Individual data analysis without team work mechanisms is provided. Besides, work with REST services is available. The edition is available for Linux and Windows operating systems.


Desktop edition. It is designed for the autonomous analytical processing. Performance depends only on the capacity of the used working station. There is no limit on the number of processors or memory sizes. As the edition is targeted at the personal work of analyst, there are no built-in mechanisms of team work, integration with business processes and SOAP services. Automatic start of workflows is not available. The edition is available only for Linux and Windows operating systems.


Server edition. It is designed for small teams up to 5 people and it is targeted at solution of the basic analytical tasks. The processed data sizes must match the server with not more than 6 processor cores and RAM size up to 12 GB. Task scheduler processing of workflows is available. It is not possible to call third party SOAP services and publications of own web services. The edition is available only for Windows operating system.


Server edition. It is designed for average companies with from 5 to 10 users. Not more than 12 processor cores and up to 24 GB of RAM can be used. It is possible to process data in the task scheduler, call third party web services for integration into the company business processes, publish web services and construct server cluster. The edition is available for Linux and Windows operating systems.


Server edition. It is targeted at the corporate processing of large volumes of data, implementation of the critical business processes in the fail-safe and scalable environment. There is no limit on the number of processor cores and used RAM size. It is possible to buy additional licences for any number of users. It is possible to process data in the task scheduler, call the third party web services for integration into the company business processes, publish web services and construct server cluster. The edition is available for Linux and Windows operating systems.


Cloud edition. The platform is operated using the rented virtual machine capacities. The supplied resources can be scaled upon customer request according to the load size change. There is no limit on the number of processor cores and used RAM size. Server and Megaladata Integrator are supplied at once. It is possible to process data in the task scheduler, call third party web services for integration into the company business processes, publish web services and construct server cluster. The edition is available only for Linux operating system.

Comparison table

Community Edition Personal Team Standard Enterprise Cloud
Integrator 1 1
Free licences2 1 3
Operating system
Work places3 1 1 5 5-10 10-∞ 1-∞
Processor core 1-6 1-12
RAM up to12 GB up to 24 Гб
Processing and visualisation
Task Scheduler
LDAP support
Open ID support
Technical support
SLA Standard 1
SLA Premium 1  


1 Additionally purchased
2 Additional enviroments for development, testing, etc. supplied within the terms of the techical support agreement
3 Number of sessions is limited for one person/one working place (more detailed information is provided below in Important section)
4 For commercial use

Important: Session is considered to be one tab or browser window when Megaladata is operated. A user can start Megaladata 2 times simultaneously in different tabs/windows in the Team and Standard editions, namely, maximum 10 sessions are provided for 5 working places, whereas 20 sessions are provided for 10 working places. While attempting to open the third tab or window with Megaladata, a user will receive the following message: "Exceeded number of sessions available for your edition". There are no restrictions for the users with admin rights or in the case of batch processing of workflow.

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