Collapse Columns Collapse Columns

The handler is designated for the table transportation. In this case, headers of the selected columns are moved to the values of rows, and their data is moved to one column. As the data of different types can be moved to this column, Variable Variable data type is used for them.


Source data set:

Client code Month SMS number Number of incoming minutes Status Discount availability
1 August 81 506 constant True
1 September 32 231 not constant False

Let's collapse columns. Client code and Month fields will be selected as Info Info. And SMS number (Integer typeInteger type), Number of incoming minutes (Integer typeInteger type), Status (String typeString type), Discount availability (Logical typeLogical type) will be selected as Transposed Transposed.

Resulting data set:

Client code Month Names Captions Values Data Types
1 August COL3 SMS number 81 4
1 August COL4 Number of incoming minutes 506 4
1 August COL5 Status constant 5
1 August COL6 Discount availability True 1
1 September COL3 SMS number 32 4
1 September COL4 Number of incoming minutes 231 4
1 September COL5 Status not constant 5
1 September COL6 Discount availability False 1


  • Input data source Input data source: the port for connection of the input data set.


  • Output data source Output data set: the table with transposed data set is output to the port.


The wizard window is divided into two areas: available fields (to the left) and selected fields (to the right).

  • Available fields contain a list of fields of the input data set.
  • Selected fields are divided into lists.
    • Info Info: contains the fields that will not be changed.
    • On the basis of Transposed Transposed fields 4 new columns will be generated: Names, Captions, Values, Data types.

To configure, it is required to move the input data set fields to the Info or Transposed lists, dragging them with the mouse. It can be also done using the navigation buttons.

The resulting data set contains the following columns:

  • The source data set columns from the Info list. Their values do not change anyhow.
  • The columns generated by the handler.
    • Names: the column with the names of the transposed columns.
    • Captions: the column with captions of columns.
    • Values: this column contains all values of the transposed columns because these columns can be of different type (as in the example), so, the Values column can have Variable Variable type of data.
    • Data types: the column that contains information on the data type of values. The types in this column are numerated as follows:
      • 0Undefined Undefined.
      • 1Logical Logical.
      • 2Date/time Date/time.
      • 3Real Real.
      • 4Integer Integer.
      • 5String String.
      • 6Variable Variable.

When selecting Skip null values checkbox, the handler won't include the strings with null values in the transposed fields into the resulting data set.

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