Calculator Functions Import

It is possible to use the Calculator functions in the JavaScript code. For this purpose, it is required to use the built-in module - "builtIn/Calc". All functions are available, including the ones implemented in plugins, with the exception of the following ones:

  • IF, IFF: there is an analogue in JS: if (<condition>) {...}.
  • The functions of work with the input data (Data, RowNum, RowCount, DisplayName, CumulativeSum): there are analogues in API (RowCount, DisplayName), or they are easily implemented by the JS code.

Examples of the functions use:

import { OutputTable } from "builtIn/Data";

// Module import by require function
const calcModule = require("builtIn/Calc");
let currentDate = new Date();
OutputTable.Set(0, calcModule.AddWeek(currentDate, 1));
OutputTable.Set(1, calcModule.AddQuarter(currentDate, -1));

// Import using the default value
import calcDefault from "builtIn/Calc";
OutputTable.Set(0, calcDefault.Val("1"));
OutputTable.Set(1, calcDefault.Str(1e6));

// Import of the whole module content
import * as calc from "builtIn/Calc";
OutputTable.Set(0, calc.Count("AAA"));
OutputTable.Set(1, calc.Lower("AAA"));

// Import of certain functions
import { RegExMatchCount, RegExMatchedExp } from "builtIn/Calc";
OutputTable.Set(0, RegExMatchCount("a+?", "aaa"));
OutputTable.Set(1, RegExMatchedExp("a+", "aaa"));

// Dynamic import
import("builtIn/Calc").then(calc => {
    OutputTable.Set(0, calc.Repeat(1, 10));

results matching ""

    No results matching ""