Terms and abbreviations used in the description of Binary classification assessment visualizer are listed here.
- Сondition positive (P): the real number of positive cases.
- Сondition negative (N): the real number of negative cases.
- True positive (TP): the number of correctly classified positive cases.
- True negative (TN): the number of correctly classified negative cases.
- False positive (FP): the number of incorrectly classified positive cases. It is type I error.
- False negative (FN): the number of incorrectly classified negative cases. It is type II error.
- True positive rate (TPR): rate of correctly classified positive cases based on the total number of positive cases. TPR is called sensitivity of classification.
. - True negative rate (TNR): rate of correctly classified negative cases based on the total number of negative cases. TNR is called Specificity of classification.
. - Positive predictive value (PPV): rate of correctly classified positive cases based on the total number of the cases classified as the positive ones. PPV is called Positive predictive value of classification.
. - Negative predictive value (NPV): rate of correctly classified negative cases based on the total number of the cases classified as the negative ones. PPV is called Negative prediction value of classification.
. - False negative rate (FNR): rate of incorrectly classified negative cases based on the total number of positive cases. For FNR 1 - Sensitivity. term is frequently used .
- False positive rate (FPR): rate of incorrectly classified positive cases based on the total number of negative cases. For FPR 1 - Specificity. term is frequently used .
- Overall classification rate (OCR): rate of correctly classified cases based on the total number of cases. OCR is called Overall classification rate.
. - F1 score means the average harmonic value of Accuracy and Sensitivity. The metric is also called F measure.
. - Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) — Matthews correlation coefficient.
. - Overall precision rate (OPR) means the arithmetical mean of Positive predictive value and Negative predictive value. OPR means the Overall Precision Rate.